
January 2

Pre-festive day of the Theophany.

Our holy father Sylvester, Pope of Rome who piously ruled the Church for many years. During his pontificate, Constantine the Emperor built basilicas worthy of veneration and the Nicene Council of 325 acclaimed Christ the Son of God. On this day in Rome in the cemetery of Priscilla his body was laid to rest. (335)

At Vespers

music (samohlasen)

There are six stichera at "O Lord, I have cried": three for the pre-feast, and three for the holy father.

Tone 4, special melodyJako doblja. Let us piously * sing the prefestive hymns of the honorable baptism of our God. * Behold, He desires to come in the flesh to his own Forerunner, * and to ask for the baptism of salvation * for the re-creation of those who are enlightened through the faith * and who are partakers of the Spirit.

Christ is revealed and God appears, * as it is written; * He comes to his servant to be baptized. * O River Jordan, O land and sea, O mountains and hills, * be filled with happiness; * O hearts of the faithful, * joyfully celebrate and receive the great Light.

O all-powerful Lord, * how will the streams of the river receive You? * As it is written, You are the river and the stream of peace; * how will You enter the stream without a garment? * For You are the One who covers the heavens with clouds; * You are the One who stripped away all evil of the enemy * and who clothed the human race with immortality.

Tone 8, special melody O preslavnaho čudese.  O holy Father Sylvester, bishop of God, * through the light of the priesthood you were enlightened. * You have illumined the faithful through your clear teachings * in order to honor the dwelling of the three Persons in one nature; * you also cast away the darkness of heresies. * For this reason, we rejoice today * and gloriously celebrate your light-bearing memory.

O holy Father Sylvester, bearer of God, * you revealed yourself to be a pillar of fire. * You convoked a sacred council * and were the cloud which gives shade. * You led the faithful away from the Egyptian heresy * and always brought them to the divine land by your true teaching. * Therefore, we venerate your blessed and all-holy memory.

O holy Father Sylvester, herald of God, * by the streams of your prayers you firmly silenced the many-faced serpent. * We are amazed at your priestly work. * You brought a multitude of pagans to God; * you quieted the harshness of the heretics; * you publicly performed great miracles before them. * Therefore, we venerate you and call you blessed.

Glory, now and ever – Tone 6. Christ the Truth is coming to the Jordan * to be baptized by John, * and the Baptizer says to Him: * I should be baptized by You, but You are coming to me. * I do not dare to put straw to the fire. * O Master, sanctify me by your divine Theophany.

The aposticha are for the pre-festive day:

Tone 1 samohlasen.   Radiant was the feast that has just passed; * but more brilliant, O Savior, is the one approaching. * The first had an angel as a herald; * this one has John the Forerunner. * The first had blood spilled and had Bethlehem lament as one who was childless; * the second has blessed waters recognized to be a bath having many children. * Before, the star proclaimed to the Magi; * now, the Father shows You to the world, * that You are incarnate and are openly coming again. * O Lord, glory to You!

I think of You from the country of Jordan and Mount Hermon.

Tone 2.  Again Jesus cleanses himself in the Jordan. * Above all, He cleanses our sins * because He is coming to wash away the decree written against Adam. * The Lord says to John: * O Baptizer, come and serve the Fountainhead of the wondrous mystery. * Come, extend your hand quickly * and touch the head of Him who crushed the head of the serpent, * the One who opened up Paradise, * which, by the tasting of the fruit of the tree, * was closed through the guile of the serpent.

The waters saw You, O God; the waters saw You and trembled

Tone 3.  Resplendent is the feast which has passed; * but more glorious is the present day. * On that day the Magi adored the Savior; * on this, the glorious servant baptizes the Master. * There, the shepherds sang in amazement; * here, the voice of the Father proclaims Him to be the Only-begotten Son.

Glory, now and ever – Tone 3.  O come all you faithful ones. * Leaving the regions of Judea, * we shall cross the wilderness of the Jordan; * and today we shall see Him who revealed himself in the flesh for our sake. * In the streams of the Jordan, * He is asking the Forerunner for baptism. * John refuses and cries out in fear: * I do not dare to touch the divine Fire with my hand of clay. * The Jordan and the sea fled, O Savior, and then returned. * And I, how shall I place a hand on your head * which even the seraphim fear? * The Jordan fled when Elisha received the mantle of Elijah; * how will it not go into the Abyss * and into the depths when it sees You unclothed in the stream? * How will the Jordan not burn me when I touch the fire? * The Jordan then cries out to John: *
Why do you hesitate to baptize my Lord? * Why do you delay the purification of so many people? * He has already sanctified all creation. * Let me also be sanctified together with the nature of the waters. * For this reason, He has come into the world.

Troparion of the holy father,  Tone 4. Your life has shown you to your flock as a rule of faith, * an image of gentleness, and a teacher of moderation. * You acquired greatness through humility * and wealth through poverty. * O father and bishop Sylvester, * intercede with Christ our God to save our souls.

Glory, now and ever – Troparion of the pre-feast, Tone 4. Zebulun, make ready; Naphtali, prepare yourself. * O River Jordan, stand and leap for joy * to receive the Master coming to be baptized. * O Adam, rejoice with the first mother, Eve, * and do not hide yourselves as once you did in Paradise. * For, seeing you naked, Christ has appeared to put on the first robe. * He has appeared to renew all creation.

At the Divine Liturgy (Monday through Saturday)

music - see the January Menaion

Troparion of the pre-feast, Tone 4. Zebulun, make ready; Naphtali, prepare yourself. * O River Jordan, stand and leap for joy * to receive the Master coming to be baptized. * O Adam, rejoice with the first mother, Eve, * and do not hide yourselves as once you did in Paradise. * For, seeing you naked, Christ has appeared to put on the first robe. * He has appeared to renew all creation.

Troparion of the holy father,  Tone 4. Your life has shown you to your flock as a rule of faith, * an image of gentleness, and a teacher of moderation. * You acquired greatness through humility * and wealth through poverty. * O father and bishop Sylvester, * intercede with Christ our God to save our souls.

Glory – Kontakion of the holy father, Tone 4.   You are numbered among the priests of our King and God, * and you were a companion to the ascetics. * Now you rejoice in the company of angels, O father, * and you have inherited the joy of heaven, Sylvester. * O glorious shepherd, * save those who keep your memory.

Now and ever – Kontakion of the pre-feast, Tone 4.  Today the Lord appears in the Jordan's streams * and cries out to John: * Do not be afraid to baptize me, * for I have come to save Adam, the first created.

Prokeimenon, Tone 1 (Ps. 48:4,2). My lips will speak * words of wisdom; * understanding will be the theme of my heart.
V. Hear this, all you nations; give heed, all who dwell in the world.

Epistle:  (of the day; or if Saturday: 1 Timothy 3:14 – 4:5)

Alleluia, Tone 2 (Ps. 36:30,31). Alleuia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
V. The mouth of the just will utter wisdom, and his tongue will pronounce judgment.
V. The law of the Lord is in his heart; his steps shall be saved from stumbling.

Gospel:  (of the day; or if Saturday, Matthew 3:1-11)

Communion Hymn (Ps. 111:6,7). The just man will be remembered forever; evil news he will not fear. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

At the Divine Liturgy (Sunday)

music - see the January Menaion

Troparion of the Resurrection, in the Tone of the Week.

Troparion of the pre-feast, Tone 4. Zebulun, make ready; Naphtali, prepare yourself. * O River Jordan, stand and leap for joy * to receive the Master coming to be baptized. * O Adam, rejoice with the first mother, Eve, * and do not hide yourselves as once you did in Paradise. * For, seeing you naked, Christ has appeared to put on the first robe. * He has appeared to renew all creation.

Glory, now and ever – Kontakion of the pre-feast, Tone 4.  Today the Lord appears in the Jordan's streams * and cries out to John: * Do not be afraid to baptize me, * for I have come to save Adam, the first created.

Prokeimenon, Tone 4 (Ps. 27:9,1). Save your people, O Lord, * and bless your inheritance.
V. To you, Lord, I cry out: My God, be not silent to me.

Epistle:  2 Timothy 4:5-8

Alleluia, Tone 8 (Ps. 66:2). Alleuia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
V. Be gracious to us, O God, and bless us.
V. Let your face shine upon us, and have mercy on us.

Gospel: Mark 1:1-8

Communion Hymn (Ps. 32:1). Rejoice in the Lord, you righteous ones; praise from the upright is fitting. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!