
September 22

The holy martyr Phocas, bishop of Sinope. As bishop, he strengthened the faithful by his example and words, and brought many pagans to the true faith. The governor of the province had him seized and tortured, and then killed him by throwing him into boiling water. He died during the reign of the emperor Trajan. (103)

The holy prophet Jonah, son of Amathi, by whose name a book of the Old Testament is called. Jonah’s famous passage from the belly of the whale is told as a sign of the resurrection of the Lord in the Gospel.

Our venerable Father Jonah the priest, father of Theophane the Hymnographer and Theodore the Artist. He was a wonder-worker who died in the monastery of St. Sabbas the Sanctified. (9th century)

On this day we also commemorate the holy apostle Quadratus, transferred from September 21 because of the leave-taking.

At Vespers

music (samohlasen)

There are six stichera at "O Lord, I have cried": three for the apostle, and three for the bishop-martyr.

Tone 4, special melody Zvannyj svyše byv.  O glorious Quadratus, * as a holy bishop, * as a divine preacher, * as a divinely chosen witness of the sufferings of Christ, * and as a co-heir of the ineffable glory which is to be revealed, * you most wisely preached the sacred Gospel, O most sacred one, * and guided those that are in the darkness of ignorance with light. * Therefore, joyously keeping your feast, * we honor your most sacred and holy memory, * O blessed God-bearer.

When you were given divine knowledge most gloriously, * like the sun you went about the earth in the lightning flashes of your preaching, * O initiate of the sacred mysteries. * You enlightened the souls of those who were in darkness, * and so drove away the prince of darkness and his terrible demons, * who could not endure the radiance, or the divine grace, * or the all-encompassing activity of the Spirit which dwelt within you, O holy bishop Quadratus, blessed intercessor for those who praise you.

Strengthened by your confession of God, * adorned with the beauties of wounds, * driven from your Athenian flock by wicked men, * O most blessed father, * like a saving spring you watered the earth * and revealed as fertile hearts * those who before were frozen in the darkness of vanity, * for you are an apostle and a disciple of Christ. * O holy bishop Quadratus most true, * you pray in behalf of those who praise you.

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Tone 1, special melody Nebesnych činov. Having overthrown the vain idols of false gods, * you strengthened weakenend hearts in the faith by your holy words, * and as a hierarch, you led them toward life. * Struggling in keeping with the rule of faith, * you became a witness for the Lord, O Phocas.

Having dyed your sacred vestments in your own blood, O holy father, * you received s double crown from Christ. * You exult with the angels in heaven, O blessed one, * interceding for our salvation.

O holy father, you give light to the whole world through your radiant miracles, * daily you come to the aid of mariners; you drive out demons and bring an end to maladies, * and the weaknesses of body and soul, * O blessed Phocas, * for you received power from the Lord.

Glory (for the martyr) –  Tone 4.   From childhood you loved the Lord, * O blessed Phocas, witness for Christ; * taking on your shoulders the armor of the Cross, * you unswervingly set out on the way of salvation; * thus you became the companion of the holy angels, * the adversary to demons, * and a powerful intercessor for the world.

Now and ever – Theotokion, or Stavrotheotokion

The aposticha are from the Octoechos.

The troparia:

Troparion of Quadratus,  Tone 3.  O holy Apostle Quadratus, intercede with the merciful God * that he may grant our souls forgiveness of sins.

Glory – Troparion of Phocas, Tone 4. You shared in the apostles' way of life * and succeeded to their throne, * divinely inspired bishop. * You found access to contemplation in the active life. * Therefore, you rightly taught the word of truth * and struggled for the faith to the shedding of your blood. * O priest-martyr Phocas, * pray to Christ our God to save our souls.

At the Divine Liturgy

music - see the September Menaion

Troparion of Quadratus,  Tone 3.  O holy Apostle Quadratus, intercede with the merciful God * that he may grant our souls forgiveness of sins.

Troparion of Phocas, Tone 4. You shared in the apostles' way of life * and succeeded to their throne, * divinely inspired bishop. * You found access to contemplation in the active life. * Therefore, you rightly taught the word of truth * and struggled for the faith to the shedding of your blood. * O priest-martyr Phocas, * pray to Christ our God to save our souls.

Glory – Kontakion of Quadratus, Tone 8.   O Lord, the cosmos offers you Quadratus, * a precious prince of priests and a courageous bearer of death. * The world honors his memory with hymns, * seeking absolution for its sins * through his intercession, * O compassionate Lord.

Now and ever – Kontakion of Phocas, Tone 6.   As a bishop you offered the sacrifice, O father, * and at the end of your life you offered yourself. * You have witness to Christ before the law, * strengthened by angels and eager for death. * Be ever with those who sing to you: * Be with us, Phocas, and never against us!

Prokeimenon, Tone 7 (Ps. 18:5,2). Precious in the eyes of the Lord * is the death of his faithful.
V. What can I return to the Lord for all he has given me?

Epistle:  Hebrews 5:4-10

Alleluia, Tone 2 (Ps. 131:9, 111:1). Alleuia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
V. Your priests will be clothed in righteousness and your saints will rejoice.
V. Happy the man who fears the Lord and greatly delights in his commands.

Gospel:   John 10:9-16

Communion Hymn (Ps. 111:6,7). The just man will be remembered forever; evil news he will not fear. Alleuia! Alleluia! Alleluia!