
July 13-19


At Vespers

music (samohlasen)

We sing “Blessed is the man.” There are ten stichera at "O Lord, I have cried", four from the Octoechos and six for the Coincil Fathers.

Tone 6, special melody Otčajannaje. O Word of God and Lover of us all, * nfinite and beyond description in your taking flesh for our sake: * the noble assembly of Fathers * proclaimed that you are both perfect man and perfect God, * one person in two perfect natures with two perfect wills. * Therefore, we profess that you are one God * with the Father and the Holy Spirit. * We sing a hymn of praise to the Fathers, and we adore you.

O glorious Fathers of the Councils, * you demonstrated that Pyrrhus, Sergius, Onuphrius, * Dioscorus and Nestorius were in error * concerning their doctrines about Christ. * You save the flock by teaching the true principle * that Christ is one divine person in two natures. * This Christ we adore as a perfect human being and perfect God, * one with the Father and the Holy Spirit. * O holy Fathers, we honor you and sing to you`a hymn of praise.

The Fathers of the Councils, inspired by God, * declare and explain that in Christ * there is a divine act and a divine will, * uncreated and infinite: * the act and will of the Son of God. * There is also a human act and a human will: * those of the Son of Man. * Thus they proclaimed that Christ is one divine Person having two natures, * the one is divine and the other is human. * Therefore, we the faithful honor these Fathers every year * and glorify Christ who glorified them.

The Fathers of the Council proclaim to us today * that the eternal Trinity is one God and one Lord. * They explain the Trinity is of one nature,* consubstantial, of one will and one act, * not divided nor shared but existing in the simplicity of God's being. * They define that this will and act of God * had no beginning and will never have an end. * We the faithful, therefore glorify these Fathers * as the equals of the Apostles, * for they taught us all the true doctrine of God.

Glory –  Tone 6.  Let us honor today those mystical trumpets of the Spirit, * namely the God-mantled Fathers * who, speaking of divine things, * sang in the midst of the Church a hymn in unison, * teaching that the Trinity is One, * not differing in Substance or Godhead, * refuting Arius and struggling for the true faith. * They always intercede with the Lord * to have mercy on our souls.

Now and ever – the dogmatikon of Saturday evening, in the same tone, or (on Friday night or Saturday night) in the Tone of the week

Entrance with censer, and prokeimenon of the day.  Then three readings:

A reading from Genesis (Genesis 14:14-20).

A reading from Deuteronomy, the Book of the Second Law (Deuteronomy 1:8-11,15-17).

A reading from Deuteronomy, the Book of the Second Law (Deuteronomy 10:14-21).

Litija stichera of the patron of the church. Then:

Glory – Tone 3.  O holy fathers, you have carefully kept the apostolic tradition. * In true faith, you taught the doctrine of the consubstantial Trinity. * Assembled in council, you rejected the blasphemy of Darius, * refuted Macedonius, the adversary of the Spirit, * condemned Nestorius, Eutyches, Dioscorus, Sabellius and the mindless Severus. * We entreat you to intercede, * that, preserved from their errors, * we may keep the purity of the true faith * throughout all our lives.

Now and ever – the aposticha theotokion of Saturday evening, in the same tone.

TThe aposticha are from the Octoechos for Sunday. Then, for the Council Fathers:

Glory – Tone 4.  O holy Fathers of the Councils, * you are the faithful keepers of the Apostles' traditions. * By proclaiming that the three Persons of the Holy Trinity * are one and consubstantial, * you refuted the blasphemy of Arius. * By teaching that the Holy Spirit is a distinct Person, * one with the Father and the Son, * you put Macedonius, Severus, and other heretics to shame. * Therefore, we beseech you to intercede for us, * preserving us from heresy and error * and keeping our lives blameless in God‘s sight.

Now and ever – the aposticha theotokion of Saturday evening, in the same tone.

The troparia:

Troparion of the Resurrection, in the Tone of the Week.

Glory – Troparion of the Council Fathers, Tone 8. O Christ our God, you are above all praise. * You have established our fathers as beacons on the earth, * leading us all to the true faith through them. * O most merciful Lord, glory to you!

Glory, now and ever – the festal theotokion of Saturday evening, in the same tone.

But if bread is blessed: sing "Rejoice, O Virgin Theotokos" twice, Glory, now and ever, and the troparion of the Council Fathers, once.

At the Divine Liturgy

music - see the July Menaion

Troparion of the Resurrection, in the Tone of the Week.

Troparion of the Council Fathers, Tone 8. O Christ our God, you are above all praise. * You have established our fathers as beacons on the earth, * leading us all to the true faith through them. * O most merciful Lord, glory to you!

Glory, now and ever – Kontakion of the Council Fathers, Tone 8.   The preaching of the apostles * and the teachings of the Fathers * have confirmed the one faith of the Church, * which she wears as the garment of truth, * woven from the theology on hgh, * as she faithfully imparts and glorifies the great mystery of devotion.

Prokeimenon, Tone 4 (Daniel 3:26,27). Blessed are you and praiseworthy, O Lord, * the God of our Fathers, * and glorious forever is your name.
V. For you are just in all you have done for us.

Epistle: Of Sunday, and then for the Fathers:  Hebrews 13:7-16

Alleluia, Tone 1 (Ps. 49:1,5). Alleuia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
V. The God of gods, the Lord, has spoken and summoned the earth from the rising of the sun to its setting.
V. Gather before him his righteous ones who have made a covenant with him by sacrifice.

Gospel:  Of Sunday, and then for the Fathers: John 17:1-13

Communion Hymn for Sunday (Ps. 148:1). Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise him in the highest. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Communion Hymn for the Forefathers (Ps. 32:1). Rejoice in the Lord, you righteous ones; praise from the upright is fitting. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!