
August 16

Postfestive day of the Dormition.

Great DoxologyTranslation of the Icon of our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ, the icon “not made by human hands,” from Edessa to Constantinople, 944. Tradition relates that Abgar, prince in the city of Edessa, suffered from leprosy. Having heard of Jesus the healer in Palestine, he sent a portrait painter named Ananias with a letter to Jesus, asking him to come and cure his leprosy. Being unable to come, the Lord took a napkin and wiped his face, leaving a perfect reproduction of the Holy Face on it. Ananias took the napkin back to Abgar, along with the message that he would be partially cured of his disease, and later completely. The Apostle Thaddeus of the Seventy, preaching the Gospel, came to Abgar and healed him.

The holy martyr Diomedes was a physician from Tarsus who taught people the Christian faith as he ministered to their suffering bodies. The emperor Diocletian ordered him to be beheaded in Nicea. (298) Diomedes is commemorated at Compline.

At Vespers

music (samohlasen)

There are six stichera at "O Lord, I have cried": three for the the feast, and three for the icon.

Tone 2, special melody Kijmi pochval'nimy. With unworthy lips we praise the Theotokos * who is more venerable than all creation * and more holy than the Cherubim and all the angels in heaven. * She is the unshakable throne of the King. * She is the house in which the Eternal One made his abode. * She is the salvation of the world and the sanctuary of God. * In her holy memory he richly gives great mercy to the faithful.

O Virgin, what awesome hymns did the apostles of the Word, * standing around your bier, offer up at that time to you? * They cried out in amazement: * The palace of the King is departing. * The holy tabernacle is being exalted. * Lift up, O you gates, for the Portal of God will enter in joy, * and, without ceasing, she beseeches great mercy for all the world.

What spiritual hymns shall we offer to you today, O all-holy One? * The whole world has been sanctified by your Dormition. * You have departed into heaven to contemplate the beauty of the Almighty. * As Mother you rejoice together with him. * The angelic ranks solemnly accompanied you, O pure One. * Together with them, ask for peace and great mercy * for us and for the souls of the just.

Tone 2, special melody Kijmi pochval'nimy. With what earthly eyes shall we behold your icon, * glistening with divine light, * upon which the angelic hosts cannot easily gaze? * Today it is departing from the land of unbelievers, * and at the divine bidding, * it is going to the capital city and to the God-fearing people. * O Christ, kings are seen bowing down before your icon, * filled with faith and awe at its arrival.

O Word, with what earthly hands * shall we touch your icon, O Savior, * the image of our sinless God and Lord beyond all reach; * for our sins have made us defiled and impure. * The Cherubim cover their eyes and tremble; * the Seraphim dare not gaze upon your glory; * creation serves You in fear. * Do not condemn us even though we are unworthy, O Christ, * for we kiss your awesome image in faith.

The divine feast of the Master takes place again today. * He comes from on high to visit us publicly through his precious icon. * He who dwells on high among the Cherubim * is now seen in the icon like unto Him. * It is drawn according to his likeness * by the most exquisite hand of the Father. * Bowing before it in faith and in love, we are sanctified.

Glory – Tone 8.  O Master and lover of us all, * your creation has been blessed for generations of generations * through the great depth of your providence. * You sent to Abgar the icon of your most venerable face * which had been fashioned by you * who are invisible to the Cherubim in your divinity. * May we who gaze upon the icon be inflamed with your love; * for you became incarnate, * suffered the passion willingly for our sake, * and poured out great mercy upon us.

Now and ever – in the same tone.  Choirs of virgins mystically stand around the bier of the Virgin Mother, * and the souls of the just surround it. * The former bring the gift of virginity instead of myrrh; * the latter bring spiritual songs with virtue. * It is fitting for the Mother of God as a queen * to be surrounded by those who glow with virtues. * We who have entered upon a chaste life * shall go down together with them * to the burial of the Mother of our God, * blessing her with hymns and spiritual songs.

The aposticha are for the post-feast:

Tone 4, special melody Dal jesi znamenie.  It was not a fiery chariot that carried you from the earth, * as it did the righteous Elijah, * but the Son of Justice himself. * He gives rest to your holy and most pure soul. * O Pure One, he has gloriously transported and rewarded you * with joy beyond understanding.

Go up, Lord, to your rest, you and your holy ark.

Come, O faithful, and celebrate! * Today we shall gloriously observe the holy transporting of the Mother of God. * She truly rejoices * and entrusts her holy and most pure soul * into the hands of Jesus [Basilian Festal Menaion has: Christ] our God, * who came forth first from the eternal Father * and in these latter times from her womb. * She now prays for our salvation.

The Lord swore a true oath to David; he will not go back on his word.

O most awesome marvel! * She who bore in her womb the uncontainable King * is now placed into a tomb. * The assembly of angels and apostles buries her with reverence. * Jesus, her Son and the Savior of our souls, * has exalted her God-bearing and precious body, * and he has enthroned her in heaven.

Glory – Tone 6.  O Lord, you became incarnate as You willed * and deigned to accept our lowliness. * You showed a wealth of compassion when you divinized us. * O Lover of us all, * we, who gaze upon the icon of your likeness, glorify you. * Grant to your servants who despise all sins * a safe entrance into your kingdom.

Now and ever – in the same tone.  O Theotokos, Jesus [Basilian Festal Menaion has: Christ] , your Son and our God, * confirmed his two natures because he died as a man and rose as God. * O Mother of God, he also consented that you die * according to the law of nature * so that unbelievers might not question the workings of Providence. * O heavenly Bride, you were taken from earth * as though from the bridal chamber and entered heaven. * The atmosphere was sanctified by your passage through it, * just as earth was illumined by your giving birth. * The apostles assembled, and the angels carried you aloft. * After having buried your most pure body and having sung hymns, * they gazed in awe and fearfully said: * This is the ransom of the right hand of God * because he is in your midst and will not be moved. * O most honored Mother, do not forsake us who look upon you. * We are your people and the sheep of your fold. * We invoke your name and ask for salvation and great mercy.

Troparion of the icon,  Tone 2. We bow before your sacred image, O gracious Lord, * and beg forgiveness for our offenses, O Christ our God; * for you, of your own good will, ascended the cross in your human nature * to deliver from the enemy’s bondage those whom you created. * Therefore we gratefully cry out to you: * By your coming to save the world, O Savior, you have filled all with joy.

Glory, now and ever – Troparion of the feast,  Tone 1.  O Theotokos, in giving birth you preserved virginity; * and in your falling asleep you did not forsake the world. * You are the Mother of Life and have been transferred to life, * and through your prayers * you deliver our souls from death.

At the Divine Liturgy

music - see the August Menaion

Troparion of the feast,  Tone 1.  O Theotokos, in giving birth you preserved virginity; * and in your falling asleep you did not forsake the world. * You are the Mother of Life and have been transferred to life, * and through your prayers * you deliver our souls from death.

Troparion of the icon,  Tone 2. We bow before your sacred image, O gracious Lord, * and beg forgiveness for our offenses, O Christ our God; * for you, of your own good will, ascended the cross in your human nature * to deliver from the enemy’s bondage those whom you created. * Therefore we gratefully cry out to you: * By your coming to save the world, O Savior, you have filled all with joy.

Glory – Kontakion of the icon, Tone 2.   We have come to realize the extent of your victory, * the inexpressible plan of your perfect incarnation, * and to recognize this miraculous and unpainted icon * as a banner of that divine triumph. * With hearts full of love we kiss it in homage and piety.

Now and ever – Kontakion of the feast, Tone 2.   The grave and death did not detain the Theotokos. * She intercedes without rest and is our unfailing hope of protection; * for he who dwelt in the womb of the Ever-Virgin, * transferred to life the Mother of Life.

Prokeimenon of the feast, Tone 3 (Luke 1:46-48). My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.
V. For he has looked with favor upon the humility of his servant; from this day forward, all generations will call me blessed.

Prokeimenon of the icon, Tone 4 (Ps. 97:1a, 3b). Sing a new song to the Lord, for he has worked wonders.
V. All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.

Epistle:  Colossians 1:12-18 or 2 Corinthians 3:4-11

Alleluia of the feast, Tone 8 (Ps. 44:11,13). Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
V. Go up, Lord, to your rest, you and your holy ark.
V. The Lord swore a true oath to David; he will not go back on his word.

Alleluia of the icon, Tone 4 (Ps. 88:16b-17a). Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
V. We shall walk in the light of your face, O Lord; we shall rejoice in your name forever.

Gospel:  Luke 9:51-56, 10:22-24

Magnification. The angels were struck with amazement, * beholding the dormition of the Most Pure, * seeing how the Virgin was taken up from earth to heaven.

Irmos, Tone 1. The limits of nature * are overcome in you, O pure Virgin, * for birth-giving remains virginal, * and death is the prelude to life: * a virgin after childbearing and alive after death! * You ever save your inheritance, O Theotokos.

Communion Hymn of the feast (Ps. 115:4). I shall take the chalice of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Communion Hymn of the icon (Ps. 88:16,17). We shall walk in the light of your face, O Lord; we shall rejoice in your name forever. Alleuia! Alleluia! Alleluia!